Dental Implants and Prosthetics in Lido di Ostia
Why remain toothless?
Customized solutions to replace one or more missing teeth.
Let’s give your smile harmony!

If you have one or more missing teeth, a fixed prosthesis may be the most suitable solution to solve your problem.


Dental Implants

Oral Surgery
Our Ostia dental clinic is Covid-19 safe.
We comply with all Covid-19 safety and security measures and procedures for the safety of our patients and employees, and to make our dental clinic a safe place.
Our dental clinic is Covid-19 safe.
We comply with all Covid-19 safety and security measures and procedures for the safety of our patients and employees, and to make our dental clinic a safe place.
We sanitize our dental clinic twice a day, and out dentistry tools after use on each session. We also tend to use single-use tools whenever possible.
Our dentists and assistants use single-use face masks, gloves and other PPEs (personal protective equipments) for each patients.
All our patients are required to wear a mask while not in session, and are required by the law to undergo the Covid-19 triage procedure before being admitted to the clinic and our services, consisting in having their temperature checked, and filling-in the self-declaration documentation requested by the law.

The loss of a tooth causes the displacement of adjacent and antagonist teeth, until the remaining space is closed. These displacements lead to an adaptation of the occlusion, followed by problems with the temporomandibular joint, neck pain and postural disorders.
This is why a missing tooth must always be restored and fixed prosthesis and implantology, which combine functionality, aesthetics, technology and biocompatibility, are the best known techniques for replacing one or more missing teeth or single damaged teeth.
The term “fixed prosthesis” means a custom-made medical device, designed to restore damaged teeth, not removable, but which is fixed to the pillars of natural teeth (abutments) with suitable cements, or screwed onto the implants.
When the fixed dental prosthesis restores a single tooth, we talk about a single crown, when instead the fixed prosthesis replaces one or more teeth and is still fixed to at least two pillars, natural teeth or implants, we talk about a dental bridge.
A dental implant, in addition to being the most aesthetic option to restore missing elements, such as natural teeth, transmits the forces of chewing to jaws, thus reducing bone loss.
Titanium used for implant screws is an absolutely non-toxic and biocompatible material, which means that it has no harmful effects on the organism with which it comes into contact.
When implantology is not possible or when it is not possible to carry out immediate loading implant therapy, the solution to restore an arch or a few dental elements is the mobile prosthesis.

Please contact our Ostia Dental Clinic to learn more about our orthodontics and dental implant services, and to schedule an appointment.
We look forward to seeing you at our family dental clinic whenever you will need our dental services. Our team will be happy to welcoming you in our covid-safe dental clinic in Ostia, and to help you with your dental and mouth care needs.
Metal free or zirconium crowns are the most aesthetic solution to restore the teeth of the anterior sector. They provide artlessness and extreme resistance and elasticity.
Frequently Asked Questions about Anti-Aging Fillers
What is a dental implant?
What is the difference between fixed and removable dental prosthetics?
How long can be a dental implants surgery?
Is dental implant surgery painful? Will I feel pain after implant surgery?
My removable prosthesis isn't stable anymore and I can no longer chew or speak, what can I do?
Plan for your dental visit

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Covid-19 safe
Wearing a mask and maintaining interpersonal distancing are mandatory.
Ostia Dental Clinic
Our Dental Clinic Services
Ostia Dental Clinic
All our contact information
Opening Hours
Mondays to Fridays:
9.30am to 7.30pm
Thu, Sat, Sun: closed
Via Alessandro D'Aste, 3
00122 Lido di Ostia
Rome, Italy